Volunteers of America TV Spot - Strategic Brand Communications l 603-658-1600
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Project Description

A TV spot created to encourage involvement in “The Action Team” – a national organization created by the Major League Baseball Players Trust and Volunteers of America. Can you believe it was all shot in one day?


Youth volunteers, along with Major League baseball players, have formed Action Teams to deliver an important message – that volunteering is fun, important and personally rewarding.


Through involvement in Action Teams, 65,000 high school students have helped over 205,000 of their neighbors in need by getting involved in their communities. Action Teams in more than 130 high schools in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Japan feature the personal involvement of active Major League baseball players who help raise public awareness about the benefits of volunteering.


We were thrilled to provide the concept, copy and creative direction for this TV spot in collaboration with Spencer Clinton Parker, a valuable partner and talented director.

Project Details

Our Work, Video


Spencer Clinton Parker, Major League Baseball, Volunteers of America


TV Spot
