Pepco Reliability Case Study
Pepco Holdings, Inc. (PHI) and its subsidiaries deliver electricity and natural gas to about 2 million customers in the Mid-Atlantic region. In the summer of 2010, customer satisfaction sharply declined due to public perceptions of unreliable service and slow power restoration. This case study describes how we developed a branding initiative and image campaign to restore the company’s reputation and reliability. Pepco furthered their efforts by also investing in their infrastructure, technology and customer service.
Our approach was to replace passive messages with passionate, committed employees. The company’s staff became advocates for the brand through voice and tone content and authentic employee photography. As a compliment to this approach, we integrated a bold and vibrant palette and strong, block-style typography.
Transit signage, web, print ads, direct marketing, broadcast, social media
Evolving the Reputation of One of the Most Polarizing Companies in the Mid-Atlantic