The EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act sets ambitious targets to reduce both per capita energy consumption and per capita peak demand. Since 2009, PHI subsidiaries, Pepco and Delmarva Power, have been implementing a full portfolio of energy efficiency programs to meet their obligations toward the EmPOWER Maryland energy and demand reduction goals.
Customer willingness to explore the programs and drive participation needed to be generated. Therefore, a strategy was created instilling a sense of urgency to participate. The result increased customer awareness and immediate leads for the programs.
We used a “surround sound” effect by coupling umbrella awareness marketing with targeted lead-generation program marketing campaigns. As a result, his built awareness and achieve strong program participation. The key to the Pepco EmPOWER Maryland Advertising was to ensure that all of the outreach tactics worked together. This effectively reached customers and educated them about opportunities to save money and energy.
Our Work, Utilities
Pepco Holdings, including subsidiaries Pepco and Delmarva Power
Integrated Campaign