Can you pass our advertising history quiz?

An industry that’s always chasing The Next Big Thing, advertising is usually looking ahead rather than looking back. But if you pride yourself on knowing a thing or two about Madison Avenue trivia, take our Creative Co-op Advertising History Quiz. Four correct answers will make you a certified Ad Guru – and a perfect score will earn our undying admiration!
#1: The first radio ad buy happened when?
A. 1922
B. 1898
C. 1911
D. 1935
ANSWER: A. In 1922 WEAF in New York purchased four 15-second radio spots to promote a new apartment complex. Total cost: $50.
#2: When your site hosts a banner ad, how much do you typically earn per click?
A. Less than a penny
B. About 5-10 cents
C. About 1-2 dollars
D. About 50-75 cents
ANSWER: B. While banner ads don’t have many fans among website visitors, site owners love getting anything from a nickel to a dime for every click they generate.
#3: True or False: If you post branded content on social media, your most receptive audience will be millennials.
ANSWER: False. In fact, social media users age 55-64 are your easiest target, more than twice as likely to interact with branded content.
#4: Speaking of social media, what was the first social network?
A. MySpace
B. Friendster
C. Mixi
ANSWER: D. In 1997 introduced many of the features now common on social media, allowing users to list friends, add new contacts, post content and find common connections with other users.
#5: When was the first U.S. advertising agency opened?
A. 1843
B. 1779
C. 1882
D. 1925
ANSWER: A. Philadelphia’s Volney Palmer opened his agency in 1843, earning commissions by selling newspaper space and even helping advertisers to make more effective ads.
#6: True or False: funny cat memes predate the Internet by a century.
ANSWER: True. As long ago as 1870, English photographer Harry Pointer was melting hearts with his “Brighton Cats” photos of felines skating, cycling and even snapping pictures.